How to Prepare Yummy Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen

Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen. .ши-итаке, сиитакэ, сян гу, чёрный гриб, Hua Gu, Xiang Gu, Oak Mushroom, Golden Oak Mushroom, Oriental Black Mushroom, Chinese Black Mushroom, Glossagyne, Chinese Shiitake. Shiitake is used as an anti-cancer drug in Japan and sanctioned for this purpose by their FDA. It has many health benefits, such as it's ability to lower blood pressure and.

Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen The Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) (from Japanese 椎茸、シイタケ (Shiitake?)) is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries, as well as being dried. The shiitake Lentinula edodes) is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many East Asian countries. Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen highly diverse and own mind sense that unique. Several types of Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen recipes are also enough convenient to process and dont pick up lengthy. Even though not everybody likes Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen food, nowadays several people are getting attached and like the sundry Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen foods on hand. This could be visible than the number of restaurants that supply Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen as one of the serving. You can have Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen

  1. Prepare 2 of Farm Fresh Eggs.
  2. It's 1/2 Pound of Fresh Garlic Ramen.
  3. Prepare 2 Cloves of Black Garlic.
  4. Prepare 2 of Scallions.
  5. Prepare 1 Bunch of Kale.
  6. You need 2 Tablespoons of Sweet Chili Sauce.
  7. It's 1 (1 inch) of Piece Ginger.
  8. It's 1 1/2 Tablespoons of Soy Marinade.
  9. Prepare 1 Tablespoon of Sesame Oil.
  10. You need 1 Teaspoon of Kombu.
  11. You need 1/2 Ounce of Dried Shiitake Mushrooms.

Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen step by step

  1. Heat a medium pot of salted water to boiling on high. Wash and dry the fresh produce. In a bowl, combine the dried shiitake mushrooms and 3 cups of hot water. Let stand for at least 10 minutes. Remove and discard the stems of the kale; roughly chop the leaves. Peel and finely chop the ginger. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Cut off and discard the root ends of the scallions; thinly slice, separating the white bottoms and green tops..
  2. Add the chopped kale to the pot of boiling water. Cook 5 to 7 minutes, or until wilted. Drain thoroughly and set aside in a warm place. Refill the pot with salted water; heat to boiling on high..
  3. While the kale cooks, reserving the water, transfer the rehydrated shiitake mushrooms to a cutting board; roughly chop. In a large pan (nonstick, if you have one), heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil on medium-high until hot. Add the chopped ginger, chopped garlic, chopped mushrooms, and sliced white bottoms of the scallions; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until fragrant..
  4. Add the reserved mushroom water, soy marinade, and sweet chili sauce. Heat to boiling on high. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium; cook, stirring occasionally, 4 to 6 minutes, or until the liquid is slightly reduced in volume. Turn off the heat; stir in the cooked kale and sesame oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Divide between 2 bowls. Rinse and wipe out the pan..
  5. In the same pan, heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil on medium until hot. Keeping them separate, crack the eggs into the pan; season with salt and pepper. Cook 4 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and the yolks are cooked to your desired degree of doneness. Turn off the heat..
  6. While the eggs cook, add the noodles to the same pot of boiling water, stirring gently to separate. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, or until tender. Drain thoroughly. Divide the cooked noodles between the bowls of cooked vegetables and broth; stir to combine. Top with the fried eggs. Garnish with the sliced green tops of the scallions and kombu. Enjoy!.

To get ingredients for manufacture Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen recipes is also not difficult. You can easily get the main ingredients at the proximate supermarket and indeed on the market. There are ample kinds of Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen that are simple and fast to process into delicious serving. You can always praxis this Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook another foods on our website, we prepare various types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try their.

How to Prepare Yummy Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen How to Prepare Yummy Shiitake & Black Garlic Ramen Reviewed by susi latin on February 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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